Friday, April 6, 2012

Saturtainment: Barrier Reef (1971)

Back in the 1970's, NBC was struggling to find hit shows to complement the lone ratings grabber in the lineup, that of course being The Pink Panther. So, in 1971, the network acquired an Australian produced adventure series, Barrier Reef. However, there wasn't much promotion put into this show, as it was buried near the bottom of the lineup, where all the live-action shows went on NBC back then. Needless to say, it was cancelled after 1 season. 70'skidvid uploaded the open & close of the program:

I don't recall seeing this show much, if at all, so I cannot give a fair rating. Suffice it to say, it hasn't seen the light of day on American television in the 40 years that have passed since it left NBC.

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