Saturday, July 6, 2024

Toonfomercial: Remember Cap'n Crunch's Punch Crunch? (1975)

 By 1975, Quaker continued to experiment with expanding the Cap'n Crunch line of cereals. Unfortunately, Punch Crunch, and its mascot, Harry Hippo, didn't last very long. In fact, I think they were gone within a year's time.

Here, the Cap'n (Daws Butler) introduces Harry (Bill Scott) and Punch Crunch:


Silverstar said...

After seeing the ads for Punch Crunch, I begged the folks to buy us a box; after eating one bowl, I poured the rest of it down the kitchen sink garbage disposal. Nastiest concoction I'd ever eaten.

hobbyfan said...

It was that bad, huh? No wonder it bombed.