Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Toonfomercial: Remember Tusk the elephant? (1973)

Kellogg's Cocoa Krispies has gone through a number of mascot characters over the last 60 years. Currently, Snap, Crackle, & Pop appear on boxes of both Rice & Cocoa Krispies, the latter on their 2nd tour of duty.

Around the end of 1973, Kellogg's and their advertising agency replaced Ogg the Caveman with Tusk, an elephant who wore glasses, which in turn is unusual in and of itself. The redoubtable Paul Winchell is the voice of Tusk and sings the jingle du jour.

Tusk departed in 1982, replaced for a time by Snap, Crackle, & Pop. It's a shame.


Mr. Sig said...

If you do some research on Cocoa Krispies, you'll find that they had a monkey named Coco for the mascot before Snap, Crackle, and Pop took over. If memory serves, I did see in foreign countries, mainly Mexico, that had a tuskless elephant on the cereal.

hobbyfan said...

Actually, Sig, Snap, Crackle, & Pop had 2 tours of duty, including the current one, as Cocoa Krispies mascots. Coco the monkey came in between those stints.

Mr. Sig said...

Huh, I never would have guessed.

hobbyfan said...

Yah, Snap, Crackle, & Pop were "interim" mascots before Coco was brought in.

Chris Sobieniak said...

Kellogg's in the US used Coco for a brief stint around the early 90's but it never quite took off here. Kellogg's still continues to use Coco in other markets like Europe and Australia. In Mexico, they still use an elephant named Melvin.

hobbyfan said...

What was wrong with a monkey promoting breakfast cereal?