Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sunday Funnies: Since when do babies play golf? (2009)

E-Trade's most popular ad campaign, at least in this writer's view, featured a very smart little baby.

The idea was the the company wanted to use a toddler (voiced by comedian Pete Holmes) to extol the virtues of their services. This 2009 spot is probably the most popular of them all, putting a new word in the lexicon: Shankopotamus!

There would soon be more little kids joining the party, but that might've been the jump the shark moment for this series, as E-Trade has moved on....


Chris Sobieniak said...

As with most campaigns when they run dry (though over in the UK, they're still using those meerkats for "CompareTheMarket[dot]com").

hobbyfan said...

Apparently, there's a longer shelf life for gimmicks overseas.....

Chris Sobieniak said...

I guess, I wish we still did that here (besides stuff like Geico's Gecko).

hobbyfan said...

Hear, hear.