Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Toonformercial: When Esso became Exxon (1972)

 I had this one before, then it was taken down. Now, it's back.

Let's take you to 1972 and the Advertising Hall of Fame. The Smith Brothers received a telegram for the Humble/Esso tiger, who learns that the company will now be known as Exxon (Today, it's Exxon-Mobil). Peter Thomas narrates. Dick Beals is heard as Speedy, the mascot of Alka-Seltzer.


Scoobyfan1 said...

@Hobbyfan: I haven't been there since 2008, but if I'm not mistaken I think the Esso brand still exists in Canada...

Of course, living in a state(Washington) that carries a Vancouver TV station on cable... I think I may have seen an Esso commercial in the past while watching said station(Vancouver's CBC affiliate).

It might have been while watching NHL games, or when the Canadian Football League or the Blue Jays were still on CBC, I'm not quite sure...

hobbyfan said...

Responding nearly 10 months later......

I'll have to look it up to verify the current status. Thanks.