Sunday, August 4, 2019

Toon Rock: Three Little Pigs (1992-3)

Green Jelly, formerly Green Jello until General Foods threatened litigation over a certain brand, peaked in the top 20 in 1993 with "Three Little Pigs", a retelling of the classic tale with a modern spin. The band actually changed the lyrics between 1991, when it was recorded initially, and 1993, when it climbed the charts, due to blatant drug references.

Not for younger viewers:


Silverstar said...

Green Jelly(o) borrows heavily from the band GWAR, with the outlandish costumes and shock-outrageous stage personas and songs, but with a dash of humor.

One Jelly member, Bill Manspeaker, appeared on an episode of Space Ghost to Coast, declaring to SG, "I am 100% stupid!"

hobbyfan said...

At least in the context of the show, he was honest.....