Paramount's Famous Studios division produced a series of shorts known as Noveltoons during the 40's and 50's. Some of the characters, such as Playful Little Audrey, would find their way into comic books, and why not? The Jack-in-the-Box that served as the logo for the Noveltoons series would later be used by Harvey Comics, and the Noveltoons were later rebooted as Harveytoons for television.
Buzzy stars in "Stupidstitious Cat", from 1946. Buzzy, a crow with the dignity of a Southern gentleman, takes advantage of a cat hung up on superstitions. Believe it or else, that's Jackson Beck as Buzzy.
It's like they tried to cram as many superstitions into nearly 7 minutes, and failed. This lagged until the end, when it seemed like they had to rush to the finish line.
Rating: C.
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