Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Saturtainment: Go Go Gophers vs. "The Ironclad" (1964)

Wikipedia claims that the Go Go Gophers were introduced in 1966, added to The Underdog Show, which marks its 50th anniversary this year. Wikipedia doesn't have the accurate information on original content of the latter series, relying instead on syndicated prints that have been around since the 70's.

Until I hear differently from an independent and reliable source, we're going to say that Ruffled Feathers & Running Board are also marking 50 years this year. To that end, here's a hilarious classic that sees Col. Kit Coyote (Kenny Delmar) & Sgt. Okey Homa (Sandy Becker) using a Navy battleship to try to drive the Gopher Indians out of town..........

Five minutes, including the open, just isn't enough time to today's audience, and even then, if you blinked, the story was done. Becker doubled as Running Board while George Irving was the babbling Ruffled Feathers. All three actors, I think, sang the theme song.

Rating: A.

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