Saturday, August 4, 2018

Retro Toy Chest: Remember Agent Zero M? (1964?)

You can say Mattel was on the pop culture tip in the 60's when it came to boy-centric toys.

In approximately 1964, the company introduced a line of toys under the umbrella of Agent Zero M, hoping to cash in on the popularity of the James Bond movies and the then-first year spy series, The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. Kurt Russell (ex-The Travels of Jamie McPheeters) starred in these commercials.

This is the introductory ad, with Theo Marcuse and a pre-Batman Alan Napier:

Unfortunately, these were off the market by the time I made my first visit to a toy store. I'm only learning of their existence for the first time today. Hope this spurs some memories for you.

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