Thursday, May 25, 2023

Kids need variety, too: Livewire (1980)

 Nickelodeon, in its early years, had a variety show, America Goes Bananaz, that had gotten its start with a QUBE channel in Columbus, Ohio. The success of this series (to be discussed another day) led Nick to develop its own variety show.

Livewire was Nick's answer to the standard daytime talk shows of the period (i.e. Mike Douglas, Dinah Shore), but geared for teenagers, in much the same vein as ABC's Kids Are People, Too, a Sunday morning show. Mark Corday was the show's 1st host, but didn't last very long. Fred Newman took over in 1981, and was at the helm when the series ended 1st run production four years later, with reruns continuing until 1986.

Six years after Livewire ended, Newman renewed his association with Nickelodeon, but you might not have known. He was the voice of Doug's BFF, Skeeter Valentine, and a few other supporting characters.

Let's go back to 1983, and an early appearance by R. E. M.:

The band's performance of "South Central Rain" is in a separate clip. 

No rating. Never saw the show.

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