Saturday, February 12, 2022

Sunday Funnies: The Three Stooges in Horses' Collars (1935)

 "Moe! Larry! The Cheese!"

In 1935's "Horses' Collars", Curly Howard of The Three Stooges has a reaction to the sight of a mouse that forces either Moe or Larry to feed him a specific type of cheese.

The basic plot has the boys venturing out west as undercover detectives to help a client retrieve an IOU her father was duped into signing by a shady rival.

The gag with Curly sharing a jacket with one of the bad guys was reprised with Shemp in "Sing a Song of Six Pants". Casting the boys as sleuths at least makes them appear to be somewhat competent. Oh, and they sing in this one, too.

Rating: A.

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