Saturday, September 5, 2020

From Out of The Recycling Bin: An old Animaniacs skit gets new life (2019)

If you've been following The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, you know that Colbert (ex-Harvey Birdman, Attorney-at-Law) has used animation in some of his skits.

A year ago, he reached into the vaults, probably in his own personal collection, to pull a portion of an old Animaniacs short in which Wakko was explaining the state capitals, if memory serves me correctly (and we have the original skit, just punch up Animaniacs in the search box, and you'll find it), but rewritten to reflect President Donald Trump's disrespect toward four Congresswomen. I have to believe that Colbert himself did his best Wakko impersonation on vocals.



MichaelSar12 said...

That sounds nothing like Wakko.

hobbyfan said...

That's why I figured Colbert himself was doing the voice.

Goldstar said...

I don't think that was Stephen Colbert voicing Wakko there. Rather, I believe that was one of his regular featured players. The tall guy with red hair who used to be on Conan O'Brien's show. I'm blanking on his name right now...

hobbyfan said...

When you get it, LMK.

Silverstar said...

His name is Brian Stack.

hobbyfan said...

Thank you. I'll have to see if he's done any other toon work in between gigs with Conan & Colbert.