Saturday, May 2, 2020

You Know The Voice: Dallas McKennon (1977)

Most folks of a certain age might know Dallas McKennon as fur trader Cincinnatus on Daniel Boone (1964-70), in addition to his voluminous body of voice work (i.e. Gumby, Archie, Courageous Cat).

After nearly a full decade as the voice of Archie Andrews, Filmation decided to salute McKennon by having him appear in front of the camera for a change, in the series finale of Space Academy.

McKennon plays "Johnny Sunseed", the brother of Commander Isaac Gampu (Jonathan Harris). Unfortunately, the technophobic Sunseed's arrival couldn't come at a worse time, as one by one, the cadets----and, ultimately, Sunseed----fall prey to some hallucinogens that Paul (Ty Henderson) was growing on a space farm.

McKennon also voices the parrot, as if you couldn't guess, and it's a double dose of You Know The Voice, as we can't forget Pamelyn Ferdin (Laura).

This, moreso than the final Archie series over at NBC, marked the end of McKennon's work at Filmation.

Oh, of course, we must also note Jonathan Harris' time in voice work as well, mostly at Hanna-Barbera, including a Saturday Superstar Movie pilot for an animated Lost in Space, so it's actually a trifecta.

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