Wednesday, January 1, 2020

You Know The Voice: Julie Bennett (1969)

In addition to being a prolific voice actress during the 60's & 70's, Julie Bennett also spent some time in front of the camera.

For those of you who never knew what she looked like, Julie turns up in a 1969 episode of Dragnet, making her appearance around the 19 1/2 minute mark. She's on the wrong side of the law in this one, working in tandem with Anthony Eisley (ex-Hawaiian Eye). Both were frequent members of Jack Webb's repertory company.

For you older viewers, at the open, Webb schools us on the history of horse racing in California.......


Pokey said...

RIP JUlie Bennett. Hawaiian Eye studip WB used her for a handufl of their females, such as prissy the love sick hen, and even, I have read, Granny.

hobbyfan said...

Not sure if she ever subbed for June Foray as Granny or Prissy. I'd need more information.