Clerow "Flip" Wilson produced a pair of animated specials based on his childhood during the course of his variety show's run on NBC. Clerow Wilson's Great Escape, IIRC, is the second of those specials. Wilson's production company co-produced the show with the network and DePatie-Freleng. Wilson voices his younger self, along with some familiar characters from his variety show--Geraldine Jones, Rev. Leroy, and Ralph, the invisible dog.
Yes, this does come with commercials intact, as this is a rare find. No rating.
Aside from DePatie-Freleng, this special was directed by former WB animator Corny Cole, who also did "Clerow Wilson and the Miracle of P.S. 14" a couple years earlier. He passed away in 2011 but left behind a unique history all his own in the industry.
Cole had done some work for DFE in the 60's after coming over from WB. You can see his name in the credits on Super Six & Super President, IIRC.
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