Friday, April 24, 2020

Toonfomercial: Remember Snipets? (1972)

Snipets was a series of 30 second interstital spots that aired in syndication, mostly on stations owned by Kaiser Communications or its successor, Field Communications.

The claymation figures in the following sample appear to have been lifted from or inspired by Davey & Goliath. Here, a girl wants to play basketball with a trio of boys.

It was around the time this ad aired, in 1974, that youth leagues such as Little League became co-ed on a gradual basis, and, as this illustrates, playground pick-up games were co-ed, too.


magicdog said...

That's definitely the work of Art Clokey ("Davy & Goliath" & "Gumby").

I've never seen these PSAs, but I can see their appeal. A positive message wrapped up in a world not unlike the Davy & Goliath episodes kids were still watching every Sunday. I wouldn't be surprised if kids thought Davy and his Jicket buddies would enter the action!

hobbyfan said...

I hadn't seen these, either, but they were mostly shown in Chicago and Milwaukee. It's Clokey's designs, alright, and I half expected this to actually be lifted from a Davey & Goliath short.

Silverstar said...

I've seen these on local stations when I was a kid; they weren't all done by Clokey, guys, in fact that this is the only one like this that I recall. The 'Snippets' were a grab bag: some were cartoons, some clay animated, some live-action.

hobbyfan said...

I'll see if I can find some other samples.