Thursday, April 23, 2020

Saturtainment: My Pet Monster (1987)

Canada's Nelvana Studios got its corporate foot in the door at ABC in the mid-80's, first with a pair of series spun off from the "Star Wars" movies, Ewoks & Droids. After that came a toy-centric series, My Pet Monster.

Initially, there was a hour long direct to video special released in 1986 which had an entirely different plotline. We'll pull that up another time. However, the series established that the Monster and his owner, Max, were two separate entities, as they were meant to be.

At first glance, the Monster is exactly what it is in the stores, a plush toy. Take the handcuffs away, however, and he comes to life, leading to some crazy adventures, such as the opener....

ABC was looking for something to complement their new tentpole series, Real Ghostbusters, Flintstone Kids, & The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show. Unfortunately, Monster was cancelled after 1 season.

No rating.

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