Sunday, June 29, 2014

Daytime Heroes: Sinbad, Jr. in Elephant on Ice (1965)

"Elephant On Ice" is virtually a 2-man show, starring Sinbad, Jr. (Tim Matheson, Jonny Quest) and his sidekick, Salty (Mel Blanc), though one suspects Don Messick was responsible for the grunts of a wooly mammoth that was thawed out.

Could Sinbad make a comeback? Maybe, with his 50th anniversary next year, but Sony holds the rights, not WB, so we'll see.

Rating: B.


magicdog said...

This must have been confusing to the kiddies back in '65. Everyone knows mammoths were NOT meat eaters!

hobbyfan said...

Try telling that to whomever wrote the story. Such minute details would be adhered to today.

Unknown said...

Shame his quads and calves don't get massive.

Unknown said...

I think Sinbad could actually take on Thor or the Hulk. I checked to see what a mammoth would weigh and my answer came back 7 - 9 tons and he was lifting it with one arms and in the center of an ice pool.

hobbyfan said...

Such were the bizarre physics of writing adventure cartoons in the 60's.