Saturday, March 15, 2025

A complete episode of The Reluctant Dragon & Mr. Toad (1970-1)

 After first-run episodes of The Reluctant Dragon & Mr. Toad Show had ended, Rankin-Bass & ABC mixed up the episodes to try to refresh them for viewers that might've missed them the first time.

This package consists of:

"A Cold Day in Willowmarch": The 1st Reluctant Dragon short from September 1970. Paul Soles, fresh from Spider-Man, voices Tobias.

"20,000 Inches Under The Sea": The Mr. Toad finale is a parody of Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, which itself had been adapted as a feature film years earlier, and would be adapted in animated form a few years later.

"Sir Tobias": The Dragon becomes a temporary knight in this short from November.

Rating: B.

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