Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saturday School: Fat Albert in Sign Off (1973)

 From season 2 of Fat Albert & The Cosby Kids:

In some circles, graffiti is a form of artistic expression. Unless you happen to be Cool Roy, who tags any place, any time, including Fat Albert's apartment building. Judging from the spelling errors on his outdoor tags mocking Albert & Rudy, I'd say he's also got a bit of a learning disability......

Today, my neighborhood has a ton of graffiti lining the walls of various businesses, some vacant, but the message is incomprehensible, as they're trying to make art, but don't know what message to convey. It could be worse, of course.

Rating: A-.


Steven Dolce said...

Yesterday marked the 50th Anniversary of the show's premiere.

hobbyfan said...

Thanks. The last time I posted an episode, back in July, I noted this series was turning 50.