Sunday, March 17, 2019

Toon Legends: Fat Albert learns about adoption (The Secret, 1980)

From Season 2 of The New Fat Albert Show:

Albert's friend, Francie (Ericka Scheimer), runs away from home after she learns that she was adopted. Here's "The Secret":

Skip past the Brown Hornet distraction, as it really doesn't have as much bearing on the main story.

Rating: B.


magicdog said...

I never understood these kinds of episodes in which adoptees are never told about being adopted until adulthood. I had heard that in some societies, it was considered a bit of a stigma, but that supposedly began to disappear [in the US] by the 50s/60s.

I knew many people who were adopted (some at birth, others later when step parents or foster parents adopted them), and all knew about it fairly early on (usually by age 6 or 7 and it's something told to them in ways that made it easiest for them to understand the concept) and always reminded that blood isn't the only way to define love.

hobbyfan said...

In this case, Francie was not yet an adult herself, but in her teens or just before, when she learned she was adopted.

How ironic that Albert is the moral center on this show, when his creator, Bill Cosby, was secretly immoral......