Friday, April 24, 2015

Looney TV: Porky Pig gets schooled on the Constitution (1986)

Oh, man, poor Porky Pig puts his hoof in his mouth when he tells his girlfriend, Petunia, that a woman can't be President. Too bad they didn't revisit this ad for an episode of The Looney Tunes Show 25 years later.


magicdog said...

The problem is the Constitution was written with men in mind as President. Women, while respected and treasured by the Founders, typically had no interest in holding political office, nor were they expected to.

hobbyfan said...

How do you explain Hillary Clinton, then?

magicdog said...

Power hungry would be my explanation.

hobbyfan said...

Maybe there's something they're not telling us. Like, there might still be some stuff left over that the Bushes and Obamas haven't found yet.....

Pokey said...

Hi, I could be wrong by IIRC that's either B.J,>Wardm June Foray or Kathy Garver (Cissy in Family Affair) as Petunia..?