Thursday, January 16, 2025

Another channel bites the dust, as Universal Kids gets ready to say goodbye

 Chalk it up to the law of diminishing returns.

Universal Kids, which began life as Sprout, a children's network that was launched by PBS, will say goodbye in March.

Currently, Universal Kids doesn't have a lot of original programming (sound familiar?), with only a handful of shows on the roster. Relaunches of Woody Woodpecker and Inspector Gadget, for example, didn't get very far.

This all began with Spectrum Cable's decision to drop the fading channel March 6. NBC-Universal-Comcast decided that there was no use in fighting that, and capitulated.

Some of the shows will resurface on streaming sites, and it's unlikely that any of them will turn up on cable anywhere else.

Of course, I could be wrong.


Steven Dolce said...

Kind of pointless and unnecessary to shut down a tv channel. This is just like when qubo shut down.

hobbyfan said...

As i explained when you e-mailed me, Steven, if it ain't making money, it ain't going to last.