Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Getting Schooled: Peg + Cat (2013)

 While older viewers will have their issues with how a cartoon is animated today, preschoolers aren't going to care.

That's because preschoolers were the target audience for PBS' Peg + Cat, which had two "seasons" stretched out over a 5 year period (2013-18). This might be because of the computer process needed to producer the cartoons. The animation is kept as simple as possible, to make it easier for the viewers.

This simplistic approach might be because the show comes from a production company named in memory of Fred Rogers (Mister Rogers' Neighborhood).

The first season was stretched out across two years, and it is from 2014 we get this Christmas episode.

The closing music was edited off for copyright reasons, I believe.

Rating: A-.

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