Friday, February 28, 2025

Saturtainment: The Magnificent 6 1/2 (1969)

 Remember when ABC & 20th Century Fox brought Here Come The Double Deckers to the US in 1970? Well, a year earlier, the creators of Double Deckers had developed a series of short features for British cinemas in the mold of Hal Roach's legendary Our Gang, and the 7 protagonists were the prototypes for the Double Deckers.

The Magnificent 6 1/2 enjoyed a modest four year run in the UK theatres, with the cast changing with each series of shorts. Three of the shorts were packaged for import to the US for The CBS Children's Film Festival, later in 1969, and three more in 1973.

"When Knights Were Bold" was one of the 1969 shorts imported to CBS.

I'm only seeing this for the first time today, so, no rating.

Toon Rock: Skat Strut (1991)

 MC Skat Kat returned with his own CD in 1991. That was the good news for cartoon fans. The bad? The lone single, "Skat Strut", bombed, failing to crack the top 40 despite regular airplay on MTV. The song samples Earth, Wind, & Fire's 1981 hit, "Let's Groove". In an unintended homage to a certain Golden Age series of animated shorts, Paula Abdul pops out of an inkwell to create some mischief, as she returns the favor to Skat after he'd debuted on her "Forever Your Girl" CD 2 years earlier.

But, if you thought that was it for Skat, it wasn't. Seth MacFarlane brought Skat in for a guest shot on American Dad 15 years ago.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Rare Treats: US of Archie on record (1974-5)

 Concurrent with the series, Peter Pan Records was licensed to adapt the US of Archie into audio dramas, featuring the show's cast (Dallas McKennon, Jane Webb, John Erwin, Howard Morris, and guests).

Two episodes on each album. The music, however, is not the same as the original soundtrack from the show. 

You probably remember the format. Each episode started with a vignette in the then-present, with Archie taking us back to the days of the gang's lookalike ancestors.

Here's "The Great Divide", with Erwin and, I assume, McKennon, doubling up as Lewis & Clark.

To be honest, I didn't know these albums had even been released.

For educational & entertainment purposes only, so, no rating.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Saturday Morning's Greatest Hits: Everlasting Love (1974)

 Carl Carlton's best known hit was 1974's "Everlasting Love", which landed him aboard the Soul Train.

I think host-executive producer Don Cornelius gave artists the option to lip sync or perform live at the taping. Carlton chose the former with what looked like an extended version of "Love".

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

From Comics to Toons: The Fantastic Four vs. The Terrible Tribunal (1967)

 The Fantastic Four are up against it when three foes---Klaw, Blastaar, & Molecule Man---arrange for them to be brought before "The Terrible Tribunal" in a flashback laden episode.

Rating: B.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Literary Toons: Space Strikers (1995)

 Saban & UPN took Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea and turned it into a futuristic space opera, Space Strikers, as part of the nascent UPN's 1st weekend block. Unfortunately, it lasted just 13 episodes, and quickly cancelled.

Let's just skip ahead to the series opener.

No rating. Just a public service.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Toon Rock: Digging in The Dirt (1992)

 No, Stephen Johnson didn't direct Peter Gabriel's "Digging in The Dirt", off 1992's "Us", but the claymation mixed into the video sure does make it seem like another Johnson production.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Toon Sports: The Ski Resort Road Race (Wacky Races, 1968)

 As we're in the final stages of a cold snap here in the 518, let's check this winter-themed episode of Wacky Races.

Dick Dastardly (Paul Winchell) makes some ill-advised moves to try to trap the competition, and karma comes calling at the end of the race......

Dick, Muttley, Penelope Pitstop, and the rest of the racers are returning to comics in April, as Dynamite is producing an extra-sized 1-shot. This should get you comics fans interested.

Rating: B.

Toonfomercial: Hi & Lois for the Salvation Army (1972)

 Hi & Lois is still appearing in newspapers across the country, even after co-creators Dik Browne & Mort Walker had passed on. Their sons, Chance & Greg, respectively, are keeping the strip running.

In 1972, King Features Syndicate licensed the Flagston family to appear in ads like this next one for the Salvation Army.

Fun fact: Lois is the sister of Mort Walker's most famous creation, Beetle Bailey.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Toonfomercial: The Yellow Pages comes to life (1957)

 UPA produced this simple, short spot to promote the Yellow Pages back in 1957. Under 30 seconds, short, and to the point.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Saturday Morning's Greatest Hits: Kissin' (1968)

 We've previously included "Kissin'" in reviewing the season finale of The Archie Show. This time, it's being showcased on its own. You'll see why after the video.

The Archies' 1st album was released on RCA-Victor, so it seems Don Kirschner still had a contract with RCA (Colgems, the Monkees' label, was distributed through RCA). "Kissin'" was one of a number of tracks on the album written by Mark Barkan & Ritchie Adams, who were credited with some of the music on NBC's Banana Splits that same year. Prominent 60's hitmaker-producer Jeff Barry also wrote some cuts and produced the album before following Kirschner to Hanna-Barbera.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturtainment: The Aqua Velva Quartet (1976)

 When I was growing up, Aqua Velva after shave was part of the JB Williams Co., makers of Sominex & Geritol.

In 1976, their ad agency came up with a bit in which a fan (Vic Tayback), an umpire, a concession vendor, and Pete Rose, then with the Cincinnati Reds, sing the praises of the product.

Silly, but fun.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentoons: Love Light (1968)

 From The Archie Show comes a goofy dance of the week, "The Surfer", followed by "Love Light". Just in time for Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Coming Attractions: AXS gets into the anime business

 AXS-TV, now an arm of Anthem Entertainment, is getting into cartoons.

Specifically, anime.

Starting Thursday, the network will debut a 1 hour anime block, beginning at 10 pm (ET), in back of TNA Impact.

As the above ad notes, Fate Stay Night makes its American debut. My Hero Academia will make its AXS-TV debut the following week, presumably at 10:30 pm. The block then replays at midnight.

This might be worth watching.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Toonfomercial: Remember Kraft Fudgies? (1971)

 Ah, yes, there was a time when Kraft wanted to a piece of Tootsie Roll's action with mini-candies, competing with Hershey's.

However, Kraft's Fudgies didn't last beyond the 70's. This ad is from 1971.

Sounds like either Peter Thomas or Mason Adams as the narrator.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday Morning's Greatest Hits: The Most Beautiful Girl (1974)

 Country singer Charlie Rich topped the pop, country, & easy listening charts with 1973's "The Most Beautiful Girl", released in August 1973. 8 months later, after the song hit #1, Rich appeared on The Midnight Special:

The follow-up, "A Very Special Love Song", peaked at #11 on the Hot 100.

Toon Legends: The Archies meet Robert Blueford (The Archie-Sabrina Hour, 1977)

 Riverdale is chosen for a movie shoot with actor Robert Blueford (John Erwin in a dual role, using his Dick Tracy/He-Man voice). Of course, Betty & Veronica want to be in the movie, starstruck as they are, but Reggie has other ideas......

Unfortunately, no sign of Sabrina.....

Rating: B+.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

A Stooge lip-synching? Soitenly!! (Puttin' on The Hits, 1980's)

 Mark "Smittee" Smith was one of many Curly Howard mimics over the years. His fame was such that he was a contestant on Puttin' on The Hits (date of appearance not known at this time), and was a winner.

Smith "performs" Jump 'n' The Saddle's "Curly Shuffle" in protracted, edited form. The segment is joined in progress, it appears.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Daytime Heroes: He-Man in The House of Shokoti (1983)

 "The House of Shokoti" is the only 2 part episode of He-Man & The Masters of The Universe during its Filmation run.

It begins when a strange pyramid-like structure rises out of the sand.....

Rating: B.

Tooniversary: Fat Albert in Superdudes (1985)

 Fat Albert and the gang learn something about living out some fantasies when they try helping their friend, Dexter, fulfill his fantasy of cosplaying as his favorite superhero.

Here's "Superdudes", written by Paul Dini.

The series was nearing its end here.

Rating: B-.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Toon Rock: I Don't Want to Grow Up (1995)

 The Ramones play in front of an animated background in this clip for 1995's "I Don't Want to Grow Up":

Anyone think this is the subconscious anthem of a certain nut in Washington?

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Toon Sports: Sabrina in Basketball Game (1969)

Originally produced for The Archie Comedy Hour, this next item was brought back for Sabrina's solo series 2 years later.

Anyway, old rivals Riverdale & Crosstown meet on the court, and chaos erupts when Crosstown's players decide to use some dirty tricks. Since high school basketball season is winding down over the next few weeks, "Basketball Game" seems appropriate.

Silly fun, but these days, it's rare for a high school team to reach 100 points, as Riverdale did, and here in the 518, two teams did that this week.

Rating: B.